It’s School Shooting Season in Georgia
Back-to-School Time: New Shoes, New Classes, and More Murder
There’s been another mass shooting already during the 2024–2025 school year. Yesterday morning, there were at least four dead in a Georgia high school shooting. And many more injured. Some traumatically scarred for life.
I hate to say it, but I no longer care about mass shootings.
When you average around two a day every day of the year, it becomes commonplace. Some things you just get used to. America and the gun-humping ammophiles don’t give a flying fuck about any given mass shooting. Unless it’s their child who dies.
I never thought the United States of America would become a war zone, yet here we are. And unlike other countries that have active war zones, ours doesn’t seem to target our government or make attempts on rival political parties. Well, unless you count that possibly staged attempt on Donald Trump’s life two months ago.
Most of our mass shootings target innocent civilians and children who are just going about their day. People out in public getting their shopping or banking done. Young people attempting to finish high school or college. Small children being ripped apart and killed by high-powered rifles and bullets.
I hear about shootings almost daily and I don’t give a shit. At least about every single event. The location, the details, and who the insane shooter was. Fuck them. I don’t want to know.
They’re not special. They’ll never be remembered. To be in a lot of emotional pain is one thing. But to turn an assault rifle on a room full of innocent school children because you’re hurting, that’s disgusting and sick. If you want to leave the world in a hail of bullets, just aim at yourself, first.
Nobody is going to remember you. Nobody gives a damn about how you did it, how many you killed, and the details of your rampage. When we have 600–700 mass shootings a year in the United States, do you really think YOURS is going to stand out five or ten years down the line?
I can’t name one mass shooter by first and last name from the past five years. Not even one. Thinking about every mass shooting I’ve ever heard of, the only names that come to mind are Dylan Kliebold and Eric Harris. If I even spelled their names correctly or remembered them accurately.
The only reason I remember those two pathetic turds is that it’s one of the very first mass shootings in a school setting that I had heard of. You know, before they happened almost daily in our country. I can tell you for certain that I’ve become numb to mass shootings because they’re so common now.
To be clear: When I say that I don’t give a shit about mass shootings, I’m talking about each event that happens almost constantly. I don’t read the articles about the details very often, anymore. It’s just depressing. More of the same from a country that values guns and ammo more than children’s lives.
The NRA pays politicians to support easy access to high-powered weapons that nobody needs. We ignore any type of real solutions such as making the path to gun ownership a lot more difficult. We have far more mass shootings than the next 10 countries combined.
That’s bound to happen when our guns outnumber total US citizens.
MAGA weapon-worshippers whine and cry about their “God-given” right to bear arms. They don’t want to be part of the solution to reducing the number of mass shooting deaths every year. They just worry that the government is coming to confiscate their guns.
Even under Democratic presidencies for 16 of the past 20 years, nobody has come to grab your guns. Get over your fear, and help us work toward a reasonable solution. Common sense gun laws never hurt anyone, but they have saved lives in other countries.
Sadly, even losing a friend, family member, or their own child in a mass shooting would likely not change their stance about this. Most conservative gun enthusiasts don’t like being told what to do. They don’t want to have more measures in place to make owning assault rifles any more difficult.
They’re fine with an 18-year-old kid walking into Walmart, purchasing an assault rifle, and committing a mass shooting at an elementary school on the same day. They’ll blame it on video games and kids’ mental health these days. They’ll talk about how they had hunting rifles in their truck on school property back in the 70s.
Who gives a shit about what was happening fifty years ago? Wake up and realize that times have changed and we need to evolve with them. It’s unacceptable to have school children and normal citizens getting murdered almost daily and nobody gives a shit about it.
They just mumble their stupid, “Thoughts and prayers” bullshit which does nothing to change the situation. If I hear that it’s “God’s Will” that school children die in a mass shooting one more time, I’m really going to show that person God’s Will with a punch to the dick.
I don’t know what the solution is. I don’t see a noticeable reduction in mass shootings and children being murdered any time soon. I just know that I don’t give a shit about mass shootings anymore.
I mourn for the innocent ones who are losing their lives. I am deeply saddened by the parents and relatives of people being slaughtered by AR-15s and bullets that could take down a bear. I’m tired of hearing about the latest mass shooting most days.
I don’t know how parents survive each school day not knowing if today is the day that their child is murdered in cold blood by an assault rifle. Simply for trying to get an education and being in the wrong school at the wrong time. If my kids were in grade school in 2024, I’d home-school the fuck out of them.
At least some maniac with an AR-15 wouldn’t bust through the front door of our home and start ripping my children’s bodies apart with giant bullets before turning the gun on themselves. It’s sad to imagine those poor children knowing that they’re never going to see their parents again and that they’re about to die in their classroom.
Wake the fuck up, America. Care more about children than your selfish wants regarding assault rifle ownership. Because I’m tired of hearing about daily mass shootings.
I don’t give a shit about mass shootings. The shooter will never be remembered. Only the lives of the little ones who were lost will be.
This is dedicated to the dead schoolchildren and teachers in Georgia. We should have done better by you.
© 2024 Jason Provencio. All rights reserved.
I blame the politicians and the gun manufacturers who control them. After that I blame the American people for continuing to elect the spineless cowards in the pocket of the gun lobby.
After the last mass shooting in Australia in 1996, they enacted strong gun laws. Can you imagine the last mass shooting in our country being in 1996🤬No, it was yesterday🤬🤬🤬🤬