Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

Thank you for encapsulating many important points in one concise article. ✔️ I started questioning this concept of American “greatness” in recent years, especially with the rise in mass shootings following the Sandy Hook massacre —complete with all the lies promulgated by right wing politicians and “personalities” such as Alex Jones.👺

I agree that it is arrogant of us to presume such “greatness” when we live in a veritable “War Zone” in this country.

Again, I appreciate your well-written summation of our checkered past (*and* present!), and I do believe that we, as a nation, should always be striving to *do better* and be our best selves.

There is ALWAYS room to grow, and we can start by making sure that the malignant narcissistic felonious sociopath (and his legion of enablers) NEVER has a hold on power again—EVER—in this country…AND that Trumpism/MAGA is remanded to the dustbin of history. Of course, this rests on the shoulders of “We the people…” and our turnout in this upcoming consequential election of 2024.

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

My daughter-in-law is a German citizen living here in the US. She has her degree in Political Science and is well traveled. She isn’t bashful about pointing out the arrogant myth of American Exceptionalism. And I know she’s right. We have much to be ashamed of.

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

Yes we do. But it’s what we do about it that really matters. Your daughter-in-law can describe what Germany has done about what they did after what they did.

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio


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https://youtu.be/bJHPfpOnDzg?feature=shared. Vance and his buddy.

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Yep - that’s them, all right.

🐍 🐍 and soooo many hypnotized.

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

The thing about phonies is that they let you know up front. No need to guess, they want you to know and want to tell you. They use big words like, exceptionalism, first experiment in history, greatest yada yada yada. More like gag gag gag.

Funny thing is: the chickens have come home to roost.

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Like 🤔 OLiely/ I bought Al Franken’s book and shared that -

The worst Dumbo Down Dance Rhetoric was Dumbo a mean Tush / Rush L

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

Unfortunately, these truths are what many right-wing leaning folks seem to think should not be taught to children. A selective history of any nation does great damage to its ability to prosper. I am ever mindful of Abraham Lincoln’s use of the phrase “in order to form a more perfect union.” We must aspire to being better, to doing better: we aren’t going back.

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

That's exactly how I feel. Sometimes I just want to smack people to see if it will reset their brains. The howling rabid vicious dogs must be silenced.

Stay True. Vote Blue.🔵💙

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Thanks Jason, now I begin my day depressed. Every time I watch that clip from Broadcast News, I imagine what can be. And then I am smacked in the face by reality. My question is when did ignorance become a point of view? Like I said, I'm beginning my day depressed.

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

Most if us who have studied history realize that the history of civilization was often “nasty, brutish and short” according to Thomas Hobbes who is “Leviathan” espoused a philosophy of the necessity of authoritarian leadership. As the ideas of democracy evolved, and for centuries egalitarian principles struggled to gain wide acceptance.

De Toqueville came to the US in the 19th Century to understand American democracy and hopefully carry some ideas back to France. So in the minds of some, America was better but not perfect.

Some good reads that cover US history with a more critical eye include 1) de Toqueville’s “Democracy in America”, 2) Howard Zinn’s “People’s History if the United States” and 3) Sean Wilentz’ “The Rise of American Democracy”. If we can credit America with anything, it is that we’ve had a prolonged struggle for human rights progress while internal forces of greed, religion and superstition have continued within to slow stop and even reverse that progress.We will never go back.

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

The first time I have seen this amount of recognition from an American. Well done. You could add the gun violence, particularly slaughtering children in their schools & by police either randomly or to punish non-compliance, I.e. summary execution.

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Yes I’d have to agree with you there .I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard an american with enough self awareness to commit to the truth.

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Excellent piece today, Jason. Thanks. Our history is fraught with cruelty and shame and it takes courage and wisdom to acknowledge our imperfections. The suppression of truth is a terrifying trend.

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

Well you have said it all out loud. Thank you.

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

Good one. Now about that National Shame Therapy plan…….

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8 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

Excellent article filled with truth. America needs to vote Blue all the way down the ticket to defeat the shame the GOP and maga want to enslave us with. Thank You Jason!

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

Thanks for including the clip from the Newsroom. Every American should see it!

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Why did I think that was Weird AL ?!!!

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

Ignorance and arrogance are 2 amazing emotions. They envelop you in a sense of security and pride. The more you practice these concepts the better you feel. I think I just described a fool. Or a nation. Which one I wonder has taken it to great heights. Perhaps all nations have done this. But which one has bragging rights. Any guesses?

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

Depends on time in history. US arrogance soared after WWII but it took decades of self indulgence to nurture ignorance (with the encouragement of mass media) to the point it is today. Even in commercial advertising men in particular are often characterized as stupid and klutzy. Women are often shown self indulgent, over worked and self soothing (not that many aren’t overworked). Now we don’t even have to worry about personal hygiene because we have full body deodorant…which takes us back a few hundred years.

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

Shsss don’t say any more. Someone may notice.

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio


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You are totally clueless.

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Didn’t expect that from you. Feel better now?

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Nope. Still far more work to be done.

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Like I says totally clueless.

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Those of us who are not American laugh a lot at America's claim to greatness. I live in a country with free health care, gun control, reasonably good education system, government-subsidized university education, a fair return for taxes in the form of government support payments for un-wealthy parents raising families, etc, etc. When I see Americans strut around claiming to be the greatest nation on earth, when they have to pay through the nose for health care and go bankrupt if they can't, lose thousands of it's citizens to gun violence every year, suffer from a heavily politicised and underfunded education system for their children, pay massive interest compounded university loans for the rest of their lives, and see nothing much back from taxes, I just watch in disbelief. Blind national pride like that is very unique to America. People in other countries are proud of their nations while being honest about its problems, but it's weird to see that kind of nation-wide, cult-like worship of country and delusions of greatness while its citizens are denied basic rights that other countries take for granted.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

Australia or New Zealand?Like you I find their bullshit hilarious 😂

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Australia. You?

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NZ.I must admit that the shower of vermin running the place are pretty determined to stuff it up.

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