Former Catholic here. Laughed all the way through—before I cried. BTW, there’s a lost Gospel just found that corrected that old Jesus story: “ Jesus once said, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” when a large crowd of unruly, judgmental people wanted to stone a woman who had committed adultery. One by one, each person in the crowd started to leave when an old woman from the back raced to the front and started pelting the adulteress with stones. Jesus, who had been looking down drawing random stick figures in the sand look up and in disgust said: “MOM! If I told you once I’ve told you a thousand times to STOP following me around when I preach!”

Did I say I was a former Catholic?

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Sep 15Liked by Jason Provencio

Chris Rock in “Dogma”: You know what the dead do with most of their time? They watch the living. Especially in the shower.

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I love that movie. I remember that line well! &:^)

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Loved that movie

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Sep 15Liked by Jason Provencio

The Movie “Bad Faith” walks you through the Council on National Policy. Big Koch Money and Heritage Foundation dollars have fueled weaponized and funded this terrible sham non profit world of white supremacy. Women bodies, Trans Lives, New American Citizens and especially children are all worse for it.

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Sep 15Liked by Jason Provencio

This is unadulterated blasphemy! I loved it. If there is “the other side” (doubt it)— we’ll all see what those who have moved on before us have been seeing us doing. Whatever that is 😱👹

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Sep 15Liked by Jason Provencio

I always wondered why they only wanted to stone the woman. Didn't she "adult" with a man? Why no rocks for him?

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Every woman reading that thought the same thing…

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Sep 15Liked by Jason Provencio

Thank you for this.

Well written and cleverly illustrated.

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Sep 15Liked by Jason Provencio

Hilarious look at Christian hypocrisy! Thank you for the laughs.

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Sep 15Liked by Jason Provencio

Well said Jason💙👍 & I’m all in letting anyone watch😉🤪😂🤣

My prostate health is more important. It’s also healthy to be in TOUCH w/our bodies👍 I would call it prevention medicine 💊 😉🤪😂😱😅😆

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Sep 15Liked by Jason Provencio

& I can sing Hymns at the same x🙏👏👍😱

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Sep 15Liked by Jason Provencio

Ok time for a Catholic joke. Jesus is talking to a crowd and says, “Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone”. Out of the crowd comes a huge rock and hits the prostitute. Jesus turns to the crowd and says, “Mother sometimes you just piss me off”.

Some men pitch their tent in the bedroom and not the wilderness. They are not the outdoorsy type.

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Haha! It's said the dead get off on watching the living. One can only wonder how our ancestors perv out on watching us in our most intimate moments. :)

It's also said the dead move on to places where activities like self stimulation seem a trifle.

Personally, a heavenly wank doesn't sound all bad. :)

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I think if you make them regret watching so close a few times, then after that you’re scott free.

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Bang on the money.

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This is hilarious

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My grandma asked me to ask you about the USS Liberty. Could you tell me about the USS Liberty?

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