I had a T-shirt made that says “Fascism won’t bring down the price of strawberries.” Some people don’t get it.

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How did you do that. Do you have a link to what you made? I want that T-shirt

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Go to zazzle.com!

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It’s very easy, the template is there and you can pick your typeface and style and size

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Sep 17Liked by Jason Provencio

We need to remember who put the squeeze on worker pay in the first place. It was the folks who got the tax cuts.

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Sep 17Liked by Jason Provencio

So very well summed up. Incredible to think that the insane DonOld has any chance at the WH. The goon jd thinks he’s writing another crappy fiction novel when he so blatantly lies to their cult supporters.

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Sep 17Liked by Jason Provencio

Kamala has addressed the rising cost of our food. Biden talked about it during the State of the Union. This article covers why.


While Harriss/Walz has a plan to stop this greed, trump and vance plan to reward them with tax cuts.

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Sep 17Liked by Jason Provencio

Well done! I couldn’t agree with you more. Please stay clear eyed and vote vote vote blue for our country and our children’s future. We are at a crossroads in the history of this country and it is up to us to defeat the malice that we all feel.

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Sep 17Liked by Jason Provencio

Right there with you!

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And yet, it needs to be said. :)

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Sep 17Liked by Jason Provencio

We won’t save the money anyway 🤷

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Sep 19Liked by Jason Provencio

Harris and Biden started talking about investigating price gouging. Within days Walmart lowered the prices of over 7000 items. Kroger came clean about their price gouging (not in so many words, of course) and cut prices on their products.

This isn’t a choice between fascism and cheaper groceries. It’s a choice AGAINST fascism and FOR cheaper groceries.

Let’s refute the fascists’ favorite myth - that the economy does better during republican administrations. It unequivocally does not, and we have the stats to prove it.

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Blatantly and frequently they tell us what they are, "I make up stories." a quality discouraged from the first grade level.

Still the true believers persist.

"What sorcery was that?" I'm sure future generations will ask.

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Sep 19Liked by Jason Provencio

The other part of this is that Trump’s policies will actually damage our economy. Liberals didn’t create the inflation we’re experiencing, and it’s far more significant in other industrialized nations. It’s not like a vote for him is a vote for a good economy. Long and short, the only thing you get from Trump is a racist police state and a ruined country on every level.

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The orange dimwit can no more control prices than he can understand quantum mechanics. He caused inflation by blowing the deficit out and having it funded by expansion of the money supply. He claims he can reduce energy prices by 50%. Utter nonsense. He would need to control oil companies to do that and cause them to reduce their profits by 50%. Also his ridiculous nonsense that he can substitute tariffs for income tax is infantile. Why doesn’t someone ask for detailed budget projections??? He also claims he’ll reduce interest rates. There is no lever in the White House he can pull to achieve that.

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

(orange dimwit😘)


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The idea of quantum mechanics and trump in the same sentence made me laugh out loud. Thanks.

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

Very well said. 👏👏👏👏

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Agree Jason,

Undoubtedly the price of gas & groceries is troubling for families that live from paycheck to paycheck. I also beg others to see the bigger issues facing our country & liberal west democracies as a whole. I constantly remind those that thinking migrants, immigration, rising food & energy costs, etc will be solved by electing criminals & thugs, cause that’s what they are, will solve their dilemmas, they will only experience a worse deepening outcome😉

On a slightly lighter note, I remind the complainers/blamers that Americans waste a lot of energy on stuff they don’t need, food they don’t finish/or waste like trash, or the public transport we don’t share enough of, out of our own consumable attitudes of entitlement! Regardless of the impact on the other human beings or other animals who try to share this small sphere(earth)!

The animals & plants we require to live also require energy to thrive & unfortunately it takes $$ & product to pay for that bit of life in this worlds economy/environment.

The disease of our vast overconsumption in this Nation alone needs a hard self look at. Until then our blaming will continue. 😬 We have choices. To that I say, “DONT VOTE FOR THE LARGEST OF THOSE CONSUMERS”! 🤔 yep, that would be the 1% that think Dump will get us there🤪 My rant for the day🙏

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My quote for the day:

“Money is not Ours, but a vast Spoke in the Wheel of Life”

So next x the price, (of a consumable product/need arises?) bothers one?? Just think of it as stimulating the wheel to turn & eventually helping others turn it w/you💙🙏👍😉

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We might rightly note the our beloved "Founding Fathers" were, in the main, white guys who thought enslaving Blacks was just fine, and, yeah, "all men" meant white male landowners....that said and noted as fact: we now as a nation of immigrants with a couple of hundred years of forward social movement face an election in which the choices could not be more clear. We will either vote to continue on a path of inclusion and acceptance for all Americans; or we will become the absolute worst thing we might fear in our childhood nightmares...the choice is ours.

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Being poor throughout my life, I have often settled for ramen noodle soup, sandwiches, and sometimes a salad for some meals. If Trump is re-elected to the White House, a ribeye steak will be very difficult to eat, regardless of the price.

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