Aug 28Liked by Jason Provencio

Thank you Jason for saying what many of us have as a repeating loop playing in our heads daily. Initially it could be said that people did not realize the danger of this idiot 45, and his fellow punchbowl turds, but by now these people are not ignorant, they are clearly stupid and greedy. They stupidly believe they - as the pigs at the trough they are, will benefit when bozo returns. Their greed drives them to swallow the pigshit that flies in our faces daily from their demented cult leader, in the hope that someday they will be at the front of the line to dish up the spoils from raiding our country. They are domestic terrorists, and we must stop them in their tracks. Root them out of their dens, and destroy their means of spreading this dangerous propaganda. The FCC has a responsibility to discern between free speech, and deceitful propaganda designed to destroy our democracy. Not only the clownshows, but the card carrying fascists within our police, FBI, and Justice Department who fly under the radar and give support to this cancer within our country.

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Aug 28Liked by Jason Provencio

Damn dude, that was awesome!!! From start to finish it sounded like it was coming out of my head! The anger is what I feel as well. I spent the morning arguing with Desantis supporters defending him about the proposals to develop our parks. They're against it being done but still forgive him for the backdoor way he did it. Blind loyalty I don't get. Anyway thank you for this article. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my anger.

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Aug 29Liked by Jason Provencio


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Aug 29Liked by Jason Provencio

One more important thing for the MAGAs to know. If you get your wished for dictatorship, know that you will soon realize that you'll never walk in peace and freedom so long as that dictatorship lasts. You think those people will stop at hounding women? No. They'll hound you, too. Speak softly, regard your neighbor as a spy, pay attention to the footsteps behind you. Look over your shoulder at who's watching. Understand that in a dictatorship, there's only one person who is not an "other" - the dictator. That puts you on the same footing as immigrants, women, LGBTQ people, Black and Brown people and people whose faiths you despise. You'll then be just like the rest of us.

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Aug 29Liked by Jason Provencio


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Right on - and write on!

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Aug 28Liked by Jason Provencio

Whew Jason! And so a new article in WaPo today said that Trump in an interview this week claimed to have a new ally - god. What chutzpah. Just imagine how many of his rancid and rabid followers will get out their dog-eared bibles and shout hallelujah! As if trampling around on the graves of our war dead at Arlington wasn't the height of disrespect and another blatant attempt for attention. Can't anyone put an end to his disgusting self-serving displays of total ineptitude, ignorance and growing incompetence?

Stay safe Jason. Keep up the work. Keep it blue.Thank you. 💙💙

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Aug 28Liked by Jason Provencio

Yes!!! Fuck their feelings! And fuck them too! Make your bed and lie in it. Meanwhile, let's vote all of these fuckers into oblivion!

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Aug 29Liked by Jason Provencio

I got three words for the marmalade brigade and the cult of personality leader:


#NotGoingBack #PresidentKamalaFuckingHarrisToYou


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Aug 28Liked by Jason Provencio

People forget that it’s okay to hate the hateful. Seriously, fuck your feelings if you earnestly believe Trump can lead anything. Great piece.

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Aug 28Liked by Jason Provencio

It's appalling that a goof like Con-old has been able to divide Americans into "Us" and "Them."

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Aug 29Liked by Jason Provencio


Imma be using that one!🤣🤣🤣

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Aug 29Liked by Jason Provencio

Yeah, I spotted that somewhere on X-Twitter or Instagram, LOL

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Aug 28Liked by Jason Provencio

That has got to be the most stupid banner I’ve ever seen.

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Pure ignorance, I swear. These people...

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Aug 30Liked by Jason Provencio

It’s got all the ideological bases covered. Could be a talking point bedspread

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Aug 28Liked by Jason Provencio

Jason. Love your hatred of the fake orange felon/racist/misogynistic a-hole that seems to feel he is the best/last hope of our great nation. He and his equally vile running mate should be muzzled like the rabid dogs they are .

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Brilliant article and one I get completely, having been the recipient of many taunts, jibes, and insults, because of my clearly expressed hatred for Donny Convict and his gang of fools and charlatans. Since I don't believe in stress, I respond to these fuck wads, not by matching their buffoonish taunts but by blocking them. I have blocked them on Facebook, Medium, and Substack. I think I might be enjoying it. I heard some of them had their feelings hurt over it, well, I've only three words: FUCK THEIR FEELINGS.

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Aug 28Liked by Jason Provencio

Keep writing and never let fear (or their stupidity) block the truth!

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Aug 28Liked by Jason Provencio

Send this everywhere !!!! People need to read it 👍

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Aug 29Liked by Jason Provencio

I’m in your corner. 👏👏👏👏👏💯💯💯💯💯💯💙💙💙💙💙💙🔥🔥🔥

Btw, have noticed more magat, orange adjacent and q-urs showing up in my feed lately. A few have gone so far as to follow me, a nobody with an opinion that I am not afraid to voice. Kinda weird.

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Aug 29Liked by Jason Provencio

Fear and paranoia occurs when the truth hits them in the face. Anger too because they have no answer for the truth.

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Aug 28Liked by Jason Provencio

Just one other thing that makes me want to scream. Since the Arlington incident with DT, it was revealed in today's news that Utah Governor Cox was at Arlington for a celebration of a Utah soldier and family. There he is the big photo with DT. He still refers to DT as president. Sickening! Then, he claims, inadvertently, that this photo was out on his campaign materials illegally without his knowledge or permission. Oh sure. It has since been removed.

How low can you go?

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Aug 29Liked by Jason Provencio

There is no bottom. A real leader believes the buck stops with them.

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Aug 29Liked by Jason Provencio

Harry S Truman. The sign on his desk. RIP

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