24 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

To bastardize a quote from TFG, “I like people who weren’t raptured.”

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Wouldn’t it be great if Jesus returned coming over the Mexican border?

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Joyfully too

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I always wanted the rapture to occur during high school. When I hadn't done homework or wasn't ready for a test. But would that be sinning? Lol!

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Saul the tax collector saw a vision of the resurrected Christ and was immediately convinced that the Messiah had come to usher in Judgment Day. Every single prediction since that day over 2000 years ago has been wrong. People believe whatever they choose to believe.

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Are you kidding me? I was raised in a Baptist church, the preachers preached hell fire and brimstone for non-believers and made a pulpit call at the end of every sermon and church service. I haven't participated in organized religion of any kind in many many years and I've never lost a wink of sleep over when the rapture will happen.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

Same here. It’s nonsense. I grew up in the Methodist community and despise them now. I stopped attending church services aka stopped giving them my hard earned money because I learned about critical thinking skills. They are hate mongers. Organized religion has been since the beginning.

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Personally I wish all god bothering twats would just stfu already.There’s enough real problems in the world without this drivel 🤬🤯

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Total nonsense. All made up.

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I have been terrified of this since I was in elementary school in the early 60’s. We were doomsday-ed by both the Raptures and falling Russian bombs! Talk about Terrorizing children! And in all their collective wisdom….they opened the school doors and told every young child to run home as the sirens were ringing over the city! I mean…Seriously? That was their answer? Write On Jason!!

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Gee the 60s progressed from the 50s when we hid under our desks to protect ourselves from the atomic bomb. I always thought "What about the radiation?"

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5 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

There you go thinking again.

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This article is brutally hilarious. Indoctrinated as a young person in a conservative baptist environment , I have been released from such fear, ignorance, & superstition for many decades. Avowed athiest now. Your brilliant writing recalls for me the book by Robert Conner, "The Jesus Cult. 2000 Years of the Last Days". I am wondering where I can sign up to be one of those atheists who will take care of those unraptured pets? Can I specify which breed or even which species I would attend to? Thanks. More of this blasphemous type writing, please. I enjoy a regular dose of it. Cheers....😎🏝🍻

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5 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

I would like a gentle horse. Put me on a list if you find one. I had a horse during childhood that was very spirited and unmanageable. I envied friends with the gentle, well trained horses.

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They missed it by a few weeks… the rapture date is really Nov 5, 2024!!! GO SWIFTIES!!

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Did you know there used to be rapture insurance policies? Insurance companies used to make money by selling religious Christians insurance to pay out when they ascended to heaven and left their hellbound relatives behind so that a consolation prize for going to hell would be money from insurance. 😂

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5 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

How disgusting.

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Beautiful article by Jason. I am a woman of science and logic too. I don’t understand all this rapture business. 💕💕💕

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In Matthew and Mark, Jesus says we can’t know when He is coming. Does anyone read the Bible anymore? : P

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Well given the people who say they are real believers ( maga evangelicals, born again, republicans, Nazi lovers ,etc.) that read it, maybe that’s a good thing.

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Okay, I’ll bite. Reading the Bible is interesting. Misinformation attributed to it is deadly. What’s the good part?

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5 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

The good part is where the killing of other people is condoned and actually is expected. Thou shalt not murder, except………… It’s ludicrous. Keep the murder handbook out of our schools!

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Excellent question. When you get the answer, please let me know.

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I’m sticking to reality. That’s the only answer I know. : )

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Yes, and nowhere in the Bible is it referred to as “The Rapture.” Somebody made up that dramatic little moniker.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

Hey Jason, did your dad ever screen A Thief in the Night at his church?

I was five when I saw it one Sunday. Traumatizing!

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I don’t think so, but judging it solely on the title, I think I get it. Ouch!

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I remember stressing out over the rapture as a young child because somehow I just knew that it would not include me. Not because I was a bad kid, but because I questioned and doubted everything about the church. I am the seventh of nine kids, and our house was always full of people. One day, when I was about 10 years old, I came home from my friend’s house and the house was eerily empty. No one home. As I wandered through the empty rooms calling out everyone’s name, a kind of dread came to me as I realized that I must have been wrong about doubting that rapture stuff, knowing full well that I would never be part of it. So, as any pragmatic and hungry kid will do, I raided the pantry and ate all the cookies! Imagine my dismay when my mother walked in, catching me in the act. Dang! That was almost 60 years a an go and it still makes me laugh!

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Those of us that aren't raptured are going to have a much, much nicer planet to live on with all those weirdos gone.

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Never heard of the rapture until I was an adult. Obviously it did not effect me in the slightest. However, since all this rapture bs keeps coming up, I only wish the Maga White Christian Nationalists would be raptured and disappear.

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Or maybe just captured and enslaved to work on cotton plantations in either Haiti or r Venezuela. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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With limited water breaks

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