This might be the best life perspective I’ve read in a while, thank you for sharing and happy Sunday! 😊

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Your pops sounds like a pretty smart guy. Thanks for sharing your memories of him.

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What an incredibly well-written and timely work. Nothing so gets my attention as sincerity coupled with the experience and Wisdom given so Freely and taken by so few...many gifts and tokens of appreciation are offered just in the everyday pursuits concerning our Lives; the unknown quality of the unfamiliar does indeed carry with it a certain 'strangerishness' that many mere glancers fear dye to what they sense defies explanations. There is not now, nor has there ever been, nor will there be, a genuine justification for that fear, because it's allefed justification, is at best untrue and in it's most dangerous evolution, completely unpredictable. Once THAT practise becomes yet another categorized and filed away for future referance, segment of their essence...by invite, the unthinkable becomes the welcomed Stranger across from you at the kitchen table. One need only crack an actual history-book, to become the eye-witness to that. Thank you for this. Take Good Care

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I think, Jason, you should come up with a more meaningful word than “conservative” to describe these miserable people. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are the definitions of conservatives but bear little to no resemblance to these hate mongers. You and I may disagree with them on policy, but they are decent people with a different view who don’t ascribed the policies of hate.

The felon is not in any way a conservative nor are his racist sychophants. By labeling them “conservatives” you do an injustice to everyone. I’m not dissing you in any way—you are one of my “must reads,” but the media’s description that goes unchallenged is as stupid as their polls. Rock on, my friend.

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Earlier this year, I, a straight, white dad in his late 50s decided to get my ears pierced. Why? ‘Cause I wanted to, that’s why. That’s kinda how I look at those who want to dress differently or have different hair colors or get piercings or tattoos; it’s none of my (or anyone’s) damn business why they want to do it, and I’ll absolutely support them. I imagine the right-wing hunting guys I hung around with in school would look askance at my dangly earrings, but I couldn’t care less.

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Sep 30Liked by Jason Provencio

In a...'good place', People would be recognised as hero's were they to pull a Child from a burning building, or make a Life- threatening choice instantly or there-abouts, which cost them and their Loved ones dearly, for a total Stranger... In reality, should your natural inclinations be outside mainstream thought and practise, and you "express yourself" as my generation once loudly proclaimed, no matter what consequences might be; some consider that to be more an act of Courage than of defiance. Interesting

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Hypocrisy is the main pillar of the Republican platform.

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My vote is for fascism

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I was waiting in line at a library check out a book and noticed the guy working had a nose ring and beautiful nails. When it was my turn, I said, "are those your nails or press-on?" "Oh, honey," he said, "I am fortunate to have gotten the strong nail gene!" As he scanned my books, we chatted about how I definitely not get said gene. I left hoping I had helped him feel seen. I try to be an ally when I can.

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*sorry about the typos 👆. I'm on my phone. 😑

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Thank you for your good thoughts. How perfectly you describe the dream - the American dream. Putting this into practice for all to realize seems to much more difficult than it should be.

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Thank you so much for writing this article, and thank you for your allyship

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Thanks so much for this. I couldn’t agree more. Cookie cutter people are the bane of our existence. Taught my children to be themselves. As adults, my family is a beautiful rainbow. The most miserable individuals are those trying to be a societal predetermined individual. No matter what they do or program their mind to think, their goal will never be attainable. My motto has always been diversity promotes inclusion.

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Solid. Your Dad had some good thoughts. But mostly I agree with you . When people have interesting names or make changes to their names or anything else, provided it has no negative impact on others, it is really not up to me. If they are being brave. I want to be there for them. If they are interesting, I think long and hard about what they may be saying. Creativity should always be encouraged. It is exceedingly uncommon in our hyper-critical society It is frightening to be judged, so doing anything outside the norm does, as you say , take courage.

I worry that even when I am writing about political figures, some of whom do dreadful things, that I am being unnecessarily derogatory. I can’t help being angry when my country is being taken from me or when international leaders feel justified in what I see as casualties that didn’t have to happen. Sometimes writing among those who understand us gives us an added sense of freedom to be just plain nasty. I’m trying hard, but it is a tendency in myself I do not like.

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...what does spelling, punctuation and grammar all have in common?

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Very well said, sir! Unfortunately, an additional factor is the deliberate manipulation of those negative factors to control other people.

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