As much as I loathe the Bloated Yam, I hope nobody takes this offer up.

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And we wind up Vance?🤢🤮😈💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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The whole thing stinks. having sympathy for the devil? Didn’t the stones cover that one? I have to be honest my selfish fantasy does not include being peaceful in order to usher in peace. At this point, I am so pissed off at the legal system for not holding this clown to the same standards any of us would be, coupled with the amount of people that died at his hands while he’s diddling around with nonsense, such as Clorox and ivermectin. To watch him humiliate the health professionals that were able and ready to help the public was disgusting. Him getting rid of the preparedness plans that Obama had put in place for exactly the thing that occurred was also awful. I must admit my first reaction when I heard about the first assassination attempt was you’re kidding me this guy shot eight shots and he missed that fat fucker??? let’s be honest here – Robert M. Found plenty of evidence for this guy being a full-blown traitor to our country. The fact that information was destroyed only delayed and prolonged our misery at the hands of this ass clown. The Supreme Court is obviously crooked and unreliable. Everything we place so much value in in terms of ethics and what we should do versus what we know needs to be done, keeps us from taking those moves. But I will not in good conscience pretend that the legal system that we all rely on is in any way working. we watch daily as one legal maneuver after another gets traction and justice is delayed yet again. Over and over and over again. Meanwhile, the perpetrators of these awful crimes know that their game - the legal system game is working for them so that they can continue to play their dirty tricks that threaten us all and spit in our face by letting convicted criminals get a pardon, and by pretending that January 6 was some kind of picnic. I honestly cannot believe that we are in a 50-50 race at this point. There is a mass psychological war going on in this country and we, the people are losing. you are right that one upmanship or eye for an eye is wrongheaded. It is morally wrong. War is hell though, and we must survive to practice our manners.

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The election might not be as close as the corporate media would have us believe. They thrive on horse races for the clicks and ratings because it’s good for their bottom line and they normalize his behavior. Remember the red wave that didn’t happen? Polls are unreliable. We must Vote Blue!

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Still asking why there has been no reliable and competent (which excludes Ronny Jackson, even when he's sober) medical report on trump's miraculously healing ear.

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Well done Jason. There is a high possibility, this 2nd attempt was a setup by Trump to gain sympathy and notoriety like previous attack. Thanks.

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Why is this Felon still at large?🤢😡 vote blue across the board!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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That's possible too!

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..... and, after reading that very convenient note, I am left with an observation; Another anonymous person (as was the person who spotted the guy leaving - no gun, nothing about him to suggest wrongdoing?, getting his license plate number, calling in to authorities - police?, FBI? SS? all this while none of this had yet been reported as a threat) was handed a box 2 months ahead of this guy's intended actions. Ummmm, seems strange, but ok - I guess? In that note he references he did his best, but someone may need to finish the job - another ummm I guesso. This is where the big BUT comes in - how would he have known in advance that his attempt to off the orange one would end up unsuccessful, and/or that he would be apprehended? All of this seems to be a set-up to garner sympathy and make Orangey into a victim (again). Of course all the begging for money started immediately. This guy is nothing more than a con.

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Mr. Routh doesn't likely have 2 nickels to rub together. A superficial glance at his personal history shows clearly that he makes big plans that quickly fall apart. In other words, he talks the talk but can't walk the walk.

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Unfortunately, assassinating Trumpleton would only deliver him to MAGA as a deified martyr; then they would use his martyrdom to ‘avenge his death’ in any way against anyone they want.

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So we now how unequivocal proof that no rhetoric spoken by a democrat influenced this man to want trump dead. Quite the contrary, it was trump's rhetoric that inspired him. The first attempt I believe that kid didn't care who held the rally. They reported he was searching both candidates rallies. I don't think trump was behind the attempts but I do think he will use them to try and get his base riled up and not care if some of them respond violently.

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Like he uses everything and everyone else! When is the American public going to be sick of this jersey? Enough of Reality TV already!!!!!

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I can't edit. I wanted fix my typo, how should be have.

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I think since he was trying to help Ukraine, Routh, was told that Donald if elected, he would let putin slaughter them,that's is why the Ukrainians are trying to gain as mush ground as possible, so Mr. Routh wanted to assassinate him.

I think Donald would arm putin in that war, because Donald owes putin.

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Yeah, sure thing, copecage.

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Man, that fact is very intrested if I was in his shoes man I would just enjoy life with my family, fuck the none since about black or brown.

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I think it's repulsive that somebody would try to put a contract out on Donald Trump. To say the least it's disgusting, just hate the most it's beyond belief and I hope to God no one does this. Despite my feelings about the orange man I wouldn't wish him any physical harm of that manner.

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Put that offer up to a Dutch auction, and I'll bet that the amount will settle in at ca. $5000.

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