My canine associate Cerberus sends her best wishes, from one bitch to another. These humans are difficult to negotiate with.

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You mean hoo mans. Mooch don’t pronounce her u’s much.

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I get it. But Cerberus is more articulate: https://davidperlmutter.substack.com/p/one-angry-dog

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What a treat to get dispatches from the world of Mooch. You might like this if you don't have it already--Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know by Alexandra Horowitz. She observes dogs for a living and is senior research rellow at the Dog Cognition Lab, Barnard College, Columbia University. She writes well--much like you, Jason. It's not anything you think it might be and everything you ever wanted to know about exactly what is going on in Mooch's mind. Once you stop thinking of a dog in human terms and get on their terms, you learn what it's like to smell not just every bit of open food in the house but also to smell sadness in humans, or even the passage of time.

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Oct 4Liked by Jason Provencio

Here on Suck Stack, Mooch, hoomans write about all kinds of stuff that would bore you because there are no squirrels. But we got Joyce Vance’s chickens and other writer’s pets. You see, your Big Guy is a bit crazy but we love him because he loves you. And he writes great articles. Almost forgot about that.

My greyhounds are tall dogs but are aggressively friendly. You’re not gonna be scared of these big dogs. Cause you the boss. They love people (much more than I do) but also love to run around the backyard. They get along with most other dogs. Except that one psycho German Shepherd. She nasty.

I wish I were a dog. My greys don’t worry about the state of the world today. But they have statements about when food is late and the lack of abundant morsels on the floor. But it’s ok. They love to be petted as they lie around all day after a two minute zoomie.

Thanks for sharing your fabulous story. Here’s a hug from me. ❤️🐕

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Oct 4Liked by Jason Provencio

Jason, this is so precious and wonderful!!! Thank you for a foray into a dog’s life at this juncture in time 💙🙏🏼👍🏼

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More from Mooch in the future!

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Love it. Best of all is the pic of Mooch’s eyes about to fall out over the McRib!

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Oct 4Liked by Jason Provencio

I loved reading this🐾🐾

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Jason Provencio

Dear Mooch, we love your hooman and hoowoman, but you are awesome, lil bitch

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Mooch is the dog! Got it going on. Nice article mooch, keep it up.

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Oct 4Liked by Jason Provencio

That baby definitely has some Pembroke Welsh Corgi genes! And there’s a reason that Queen Elizabeth II kept those dogs close her whole life long. Give your precious baby love from my Lucy 🌈 2009.

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Oct 4Liked by Jason Provencio

That was lovely. Thank you. You are a lucky man.

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Oct 4Liked by Jason Provencio

What a delightful writer Mooch is. So fortunate for you that she can give you time off to rest your fingers. Perhaps in another life, you were also a little doggie. The wagging tails she tells are hilarious. And so frightened of the car wash noises. Poor baby. Love the video and all the photos. And the way you taste after you go to the gym. She should get a Pulitzer. 🐕 🏆

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Oct 4Liked by Jason Provencio

A tribute to beast & man.

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Hey, I'm not all THAT bad and she's a girl. &:^)

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Oct 4Liked by Jason Provencio

I wish my days were that much fun! 🐶You’re a good writer, Libby. No wonder your little paws were so tired.

My Raggedy Ann sends nose boops!

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Oct 5Liked by Jason Provencio

"We take a walk around the premises, I lose my water, sniff some shit, and away we go."

That is so familiar and so right to write ... I think Mooch must have some of the Hemingway in her, too.

Please, Mooch, if u are open to requests from my friend Lennie - a Groenendael all the way from Belgium, he says he'd like to chew the bark with you and swap short and tall tails.

Take care.

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THAT…was too precious. 💖

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