Sep 20Liked by Jason Provencio

I would add required history education that includes, not excludes or white-washes out, the stories of our many racial and ethnic groups, women, LGBTQ+ people, and as many different cultures, different societies, different religions or spiritual beliefs, and unbiased, factual explanations of all the “-isms” in our lives. I am still learning every day, as a 50-something year old, about the histories of others that I never learned in school or college. I want to learn about evolution, know why we treat animals and the Earth the way we do, and how we can do better. We need to learn from our mistakes and take responsibility for the wrongs committed throughout history. I want to know the truth. Period.

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How about a one way ticket to Moscow for MAGA supporters who insist that Russia is great crime free and very clean? Maga members trying to reorganize the Trump legend should have to clean his diapers for 48 hours

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Does anyone remember when a bevy of eight or so Maga Republicans showed up inexplicably in Moscow? That made the news for like one day and then disappeared. I’d like to know what they were doing there. Add to that the Russian ambassador and it turns out the head of GRU were actually in the oval office the very first day of bozo Magoos term. so the next logical step would be to reinstate the Russia investigation, except this time provide complete unfettered access to all records that were previously not provided. defy a subpoena? Sure no problem! We’ll just let you sit in jail for a while to think about it I mean, isn’t that the way it’s supposed to work - if I remember correctly, that’s what would happen to me if I defied a subpoena. So first in line would be Jim Jordan next oh yeah, we’re going to reinstate the criminal sentences for Roger Stone Paul Manifort, and all the other MAGA pukes that have slipped through the system at the hands of bozo. oh, and while we’re at it, make and enforce some real gun laws. You don’t get to have more than two - this time we ARE coming for your guns - you’ve been fear mongering it for so long we might as well make it come true. NRA - gone. We’re tired of people dying and it is guns that kill people. oh this is fun!

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Excellent yes I didn’t remember until you refreshed my memory. Throughout my life I have had Russian experiences back in 1960s my dad was a famous ham operator or short wave radio he was big on teaching Boy Scouts kids at my elementary school just anyone that was interested. He had a den that he converted into his “Ham Shack” W3YEA were his call number he would let me enter the den and taught me the basics. One day I went in myself and had a contact from Russia we became ham pals I think I was nine years old. I learned how tough life was they never had food and it was colder than I could imagine as time went by and we got visited by our local. Navy Bases WillowGrove and Johnsville Navy bases were in a bicycle drive from our home. I was immediately made to stop contacting my Russian friend told if I did they would kill him and his family. It horrified me. Then when the wall came down (1989) we started reaching out to them again nothing in their lives changed what ever we tried to send them never reached them. The crimes are so much more than our American brains could even comprehend. What you wrote I could not agree with you more. If it was you or I we still be in prison is a given. These people who travel to Russia for all things “ political “ and come back as good as gold you don’t need an imagination they are traitors to our American society. Jim Jordon ,Roger Stone,Paul Manford all Trump supporters one day your MAGA followers will see the writing on the wall it has to be

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as usual, the people are quite wonderful. It’s the governments that cause the problems.

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Sep 20Liked by Jason Provencio

Please note this plan is the Blueprint for the next Republican Administration whomever that might be. After we defeat Trump that blueprint is not going away. Keep that in mind going forward.

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Sep 20Liked by Jason Provencio

Why isn't there a single politician that makes this much sense?

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Sep 20Liked by Jason Provencio

There is. Her name is Kamala Harris.

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You should be running for President!!!

Great writer…

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Sep 20Liked by Jason Provencio

I propose a modification on term limits. All terms at all levels and in all branches of government are tied to exactly nine months. No more or less, until we can all agree that insisting everything last for nine months is simplistic and idiotically unreasonable; individual needs, circumstances and will must be honored; and that such mandates and requirements for ALL terms must go away.

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Sep 20Liked by Jason Provencio

Three Supremes would give us an even number of justices and the possibility of a deadlock. I suggest you appoint four.

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I like the way you think. Four it is! &:^)

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How about a solid ethics policy with some teeth? Such as: you (or your spouse) gets caught violating it, your term is limited immediately. Then John Oliver can keep his $1 million!

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Sep 20Liked by Jason Provencio

Love this Jason👏👏👏👏👏

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Very well said! Thank you!

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Sep 20Liked by Jason Provencio


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Sep 21Liked by Jason Provencio

Can I get a big dose of labor unionism and prison abolition in here?

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Sep 21Liked by Jason Provencio

Did you already mention protection for people with disabilities?

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Publicly funded elections would be nice (Citizens United would have to go). No more congressional golden parachutes: people in congress are paid the federal minimum wage while in office, no stock market trading while in office, etc. term limits for everyone! You have a term limit! You have a term limit! Everybody’s term is limited!! Yay!

Oh yeah… businesses attempting to lobby congress will be seized and nationalized (or turned into co-ops owned by their employees).

All environmental bills must be peer reviewed and approved by a committee of scientists who study in the field the bill will effect. (Give the EPA its teeth back while we’re at it)

Pipe dreams are fun! I rarely get to indulge myself. Thanks President-Elect Provencio!!

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Love this, man. You nailed it, as usual.

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While I love your platform, could you please tell us your plans concerning the economy?

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Jason, Please Write On!!!

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