I grew up there, but left at 18. My entire family still live there, and I visit occasionally. My husband and I live in Washington and drive a Volvo with WA plates. I've lost count of the times I've been flipped off, cut off and once even been spit at for being a liberal. None of these people knew me, but felt compelled to hate me anyway. My husband is a Marine and the day we saw a bubba truck with an American flag-- AMERICAN FLAG-- with "FUCK JOE BIDEN" superimposed on it cutting us off on the freeway in Nampa, was the last straw for him. My family are all Trump humpers, so there really is no need for him to visit. Incidentally, not a single person in my family has ever served in the armed forces, but they sure have opinions about what is offensive to "our troops." First and foremost what offends my Marine is the desacration of Arlington Cemetery and next is using our nation's flag as background for hate speech, both of which my family thinks is great because, that's how you "own the libs." Such a naturally beautiful place with the ugliest population around. It's a shame.

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Shannon thank your husband for me for his service! I also hate that the MAGA population has taken our American flag and turned it into a symbol of bigotry, hate and divisiveness. We have to vote in Harris and Walz to stop this country from spiraling down in the toilet!

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It is OUR flag ladies! We need to take it back! Our flag stands for freedom, resilience & inclusion, embracing our differences!!! So lets show th loud & prou it is OUR flag, NOT THEIRS!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #HarrisWalz2024🇺🇸

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Sep 9Liked by Jason Provencio

I live in Spokane Washington, near the Idaho border. I applaud your writing about these unfortunately very real issues in your home state- and rampant in other states as well. When I hear comments from supposedly Christian individuals who act as you have described, I don’t understand how one can use that term yet behave in such a way that is completely non- Christian. Love thy neighbor as yourself, Do onto others as you would have them do onto you…… What will be the tipping point- will it be November 5? I pray that it is, and that one step at a time, our nation starts the work of coming back to center. Stay safe💞

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I'm just a little north of you. Living cheek to cheek with Priest River ID gets a little scary some days, since I have to drive through Oldtown ID to get from our house to Newport.

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Sep 11Liked by Jason Provencio

I can only imagine- stay safe💞

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Sep 9Liked by Jason Provencio

It’s hard to have anything other than zero respect for these people. But it’s the hypocrisy of their fake Christianity that really grates.

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Sep 9Liked by Jason Provencio

I’m not on FB but I have friends who are. Sometimes one of them will pass on something she’s read from a mutual friend.

It’s frequently bigoted and racist. They’re definitely pro TFG and all he represents. The irony here is that one has a gay daughter and the other has an adopted daughter from Guatemala. They’re both close to their daughters.

The hypocrisy is infuriating. Do they think their loved ones will be immune from attacks? How can they not see they are hurting their children by supporting TFG and all he represents?

I don’t have the words.

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Sep 9Liked by Jason Provencio

But how can I care about my neighbor when they are so deep into a cult that I just can’t stomach? This worries me as I feel just as bad as they are being because I dislike them so much for their beliefs. I can’t stand all of the stupid MAGA propaganda slogans and the nazi bullshit goes beyond the pale!!!

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Margaret, maybe use Jason's analogy of cancer can help you. Because these folks DEFINITELY have that cancer. When it's lung cancer, we usually feel and express sympathy, even if the person was a smoker. I admit, this kind of cancer is much more difficult to feel sympathy for, but honestly....that's what I've been doing as best I can. For MY sake more than theirs. Because — like you — I worry that I could slide across that line and become just as bad as they are if I don't.

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This isn't a cancer. I had cancer, 2 times. I didn't choose cancer. This hate? It's a choice. A conscious choice to hate people, that don't act and look and love, exactly like them. I hate Trump and everything he stands for. I can't be around my own family! Let me be real honest. If one of my racist Trump supporting neighbors were on fire, I wouldn't spit on him. Living in Fl is real hard. I not only have to deal with all the trump paraphanila, I have to deal with outright disdain whenever my black husband and I go anywhere. If Trump gets back into office we're screwed.

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Thank you Suzanne I will definitely try this mindset 😊

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Sep 9Liked by Jason Provencio

Ugh, Idaho sounds like Arkansas, though I’m fortunate to live in one of the blue areas of the state. However, even in our very blue town, pride flags are vandalized and BLM banners at our Episcopal church are torn down.

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Sep 9Liked by Jason Provencio

My state of Louisiana is exactly the same. The cancer has spread far and wide.

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Hey, I lived in Louisiana too! Before Idaho, for about 5 years (there was about a year in California in between). I lived in Denham Springs, East Baton Rouge & then Plaquerman. It was like an eye opener! The south is definitely like nowhere elae in the United States. Then again, I got there before hurricane Rita & was there through Katrina, so it was a pretty crazy time. There are definitely some similarities between the 2 states, but I'd define Idaho as Louisiana light. Lol. The south is....well, the south! ✌💞

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My son lived in Idaho for a while. It’s beautiful but crazy!!! And I lived in Northern California for a while. What a small world!!

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Sep 9Liked by Jason Provencio

WOW - writing like that - radical acceptance - trueth that is obvious. I support you in the risk you take. When there is less than a 2% genetic difference we are all related. When you look at how well off America is compared to any other country - and when I say rich I mean more than money - you have to wonder where all this hate and anger come from? But alas I think you just touched the edge of the reality. The fight for freedom in the US did not end in 1865. Itvwould be nice to think that this election is the last battle. For freedom and democracy apparently the fight never ends.

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Ya, IDK about you, but I naively though 2020 was the 'last' battle. That when Biden won & was finally sworn in, the bigots wpuld crawl back into their holes. But NOPE! 卐 Tя☭mp & the G☭P wouldn't let that happen. So here we are.  Again. The MOST IMPORTANT election of our & our country's lives. EVERYONE needs to vote #HarrisWalz2024🇺🇸 !!!

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2024 is the full court press by Dump and his movement. To Trump the richest most powerful people in the world are Xi and Putin. And to think Russia economy is tiny (about a trillion a year - smaller than Canada's). In his world it is obvious that an American Facist would be the richest most powerful of them all. For Trump American democracy is just a stepping stone to his ultimate "GOAL".

One orange dirt bad to rule tgem all. One orange dipshitl to find them all. One orange dipshit to in the darkness bind them. The battle continues. Have a nice day.

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Barrack Obama ripped the scab off a festering wound. The Civil War has never been over, over. Maybe this reckoning will finally determine if our founding fathers should have left slavery in tact in the beginning. It seems to be the issue now as it was then. White supremacy is ugly & evil.

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Sep 9Liked by Jason Provencio

I’ll forever be massively disappointed with the DOJ for not stopping this shit.

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How would you propose they stop it exactly?

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Prosecute trump to the fullest extent of the law.

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They should call him exactly what he is… A Domestic Terrorist!!!

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Sep 9Liked by Jason Provencio

I wish…

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And you imagine that would stop racism?

Speaking as a committed ideological racist, we don’t even like Trump. We haven’t since Charlottesville.

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I live in NC in a fairly wealthy town with quite a few large expensive houses and large pickup trucks parked outside. We are blue dots in a neighborhood of red and we don’t tell anyone just how liberal we are. We see the flags outside neighbors homes and it breaks my heart. This is my home town and I was so hopeful moving back, that I would find a few like minded neighbors. We attended our county Democratic meeting recently and I was the only person there who was actually born here. And my heart breaks. I have volunteered to work the polls outside on Election Day at the Church where we in this neighborhood vote. I think I will be safe as long as nobody tries to intimidate us at the Democratic table. I am 72 years old and will not be intimidated by them and I have the Police Chief’s cell number and not afraid to use it. I think we are headed into scary times that will begin post debate and could last until the next President is sworn in. I am concerned and hopeful at the same time. Please everyone stay safe and Write ON!!!

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I live in California and my neighborhood has a Nazi HOA. Saw this gem this morning. Let’s see how far I will have to take my complaint

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It’s everywhere.

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So sorry you have to deal with such total morons. When I lived in Idaho (from 8th grade thru high school) it didn't seem that way to me. But that was many years ago. Idaho had produced a great senator named Frank Church. When I was a junior, a new student moved in, very dark-skinned. They said he was Portuguese. Whatever he was didn't matter. We elected him class president. I know it was a different time. It's just tragic that people have descended into such a cesspool of ignorance, hatred, bigotry, misogyny etc. And the religion thing. I get it. I was raised in that religion, but not with the total oppressive radicalized beliefs that seem to permeate it today. Don't let any of them get to you. Protect yourself, your family and especially Mooch. Stay Blue.🔵🔵💙💙

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Ya, when I lived in Idaho, my Mormon neighbors were some of the nicest people. I'm not of that religion, but all that I met were super nice people.

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Sep 11Liked by Jason Provencio

I live in Flori-duh, America’s hellhole with palm trees. I was born in Sarasota - on the Gulf, 70 miles south of Tampa. I am in Central Florida now.

Florida is traditionally bigoted and I was a part of it even though I considered myself enlightened. In my junior high (middle) school, there were racist fights every day between Rednecks and Blacks. I’m embarrassed to look in my school yearbooks because it’s everywhere. My senior year (1981) book is a horrifying read. The difference is, racism and bigotry weren’t advertised except for Confederate Battle flags and even then I saw it as normal, everyday life. I didn’t like it but I thought we would progress as the 1960s/70s had done; slow change.

But now, we’ve gone backwards and worse, a mini-dictatorship. We’ve had Republican governors since 1998. The last decade or so it’s gotten really bad in every way. It’s not the state I grew up in. I’d move if I could but I’m doing the next best thing and advocating for changes.

I’m subscribed (as free) to nearly 35 Substack writers and often don’t get the chance to comment when it’s Paid Only. Believe me, I’m having a dilemma trying to decide how to afford all of them, Jason included. So thanks for the open comments section.

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We moved to a small town in California in 1999. Unfortunately we didn’t research the town before we spent all our money on a house. I told my two youngest sons that I didn’t want to hear any complaints about the new schools they will attend. These were the most regrettable words to come out of my mouth. My youngest son who was a bright, happy, friendly, creative 13 year old began school at the local school. After a while he appeared very sad and unhappy. Finally he broke down and told me he was being bullied both physically and emotionally every day. Recess was a nightmare. He showed me some of the hateful, repulsive notes he got. I went into high gear and started the pathetic process of dealing with the school and school district. I was told he didn’t “fit in” because all the kids had been together since kindergarten. After many frustrating attempts to get a resolution with the counselor, principal, superintendent and school board, I determined he could not finish the school year and was told I could daily pick up his assignments. Since he was denied an education, I filed a complaint with the office of civil rights. Bottom line, my wonderful loving son attempted suicide.

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OMG! I am so sorry this happened to your son! 💔💔💔 I hope he is getting the help he needs & he lnows there is so much more to look forward to in life & every situation is temporary. Good or bad, life is a series of changing circumstances. Unfortunately, I, myself have attempted & just about succeeded 18 years ago. I know how hopeless & painful life can be/get. Praying for your son & family. Just love him, Dad, that's all you can do. (Other than get him to counseling & maybe antidepressants) Good luck to you. 💞🙏✌🤞💖💕

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Thank you! My son now lives in Boston, has two PhDs and is an Epidemiologist doing research on HIV at Harvard. He has had tough time but has always been a hard worker. He doesn’t visit very much because this place is a negative trigger for him. Thanks so much for your kind words.

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Janice, I'm so sorry for what your family has been through. I'm glad to read he's doing well now. Also, in this case, I want to be clear that my clicking the 'like' button (which felt really, really wrong because I hate what happened) is me saying thank you for sharing.

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Their definitely the sheep that want to be controlled…

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