This reminds me of an important point: A leader is (like it or not) a role model —it comes with the territory. I can't imagine the parents who actually regard DJT as a desirable role-model for their kids.

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Gus is more of a man than Trump ever has been or ever will be.

And those MAGAts do not comprehend or forsee the massive spectrum folk army they have just pissed off.

We are capable in ways they can't begin to imagine.

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Trump is a narcissist and disrespectful. He doesn't have morals or values for our country. He has no idea how to manage a country. Please vote for our Democracy and our Freedom for our country. We don't need a dictator we need a President! 💙🌊🇺🇸💙🌊🇺🇸

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It’s discouraging that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, while losing the electoral. The people know right from wrong; the system is broken.

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Individuals whom follow “donny fuckwad” are, as I’ve observed mean spirted, gun fetishizing, violent and extreme entities. Young Gus Walz is a sweetie and adored by those whom have love, compassion and reverence within their souls. The MAGA morons are, I opine—a danger to our society, hence our DEMOCRACY. We must pummel them (figuratively, of course) at the voting booth, by mail and drop boxes. We must reclaim decency. Honor. Righteousness. “Donny ughmug” is a vessel of all things wrong in the world! Turn out en masse and rid this Land of this scourge that is donald trump. Then, let (hopefully) the judiciary take care of him so we may see Justice against this wretched, corrupt, incompetent and EVIL individual…

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I was a skinny grade schooler when the bullying began. I was a kid with asthma that wheezed all the time. I missed a lot of school, got bronchitis and pneumonia. That laughed and me and made believe they were wheezing and made fun of how skinny I was. This was 75 years ago they didn’t have the medicine they have now. I was literally fighting for my life. It would make me cry which made me wheeze more. When I saw what Trump did I was outraged. Is that who our country wants to represent us th the world?

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I was never bullied in highschool because I was like tapioca pudding. Bland, forgettable, not ugly but not pretty either. I was also painfully shy. But once, a very unpopular girl got on the bus, and I joined in with the name-calling and shouts of the worst insults imaginable. I couldn't sleep for a week. I hated myself. So after that, I said hi to that girl whenever I saw her. I saved her a seat on the bus next to me. And THEN I was bullied. It didn't matter. I now knew what bullies are. Strong in a crowd, weak on their own.

So I was Ann Coulter for a very brief time. Then I became Gus Walz. And now I'm standing next to Gus Walz as just me, screaming "BRING IT ON, ASSHOLES!" 💙

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Lol Walz seems like a good descent guy. And I respect him.

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Ann Coulter has always been a scumbag, and, and no doubt will always be a scumbag. Her traits are those of her master.

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Did you see the last roast

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They chewed her up and spit her out it was funny as hell. I was unaware who she was then . But I know now and I'm not a big fan

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I missed it, but read about it.

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1) delete the Electoral College (it's archaic)

2) delete the orange pig


3) delete the pig's sycophants and send them to re-education camps. 1 full year minimum so we can have a respite from all the idiocy

4) Delete X/ 🐦‍⬛ Liars and spreaders of misinformation and violence who refuse to moderate content do not deserve a platform.

5) Ditto FB

6) Ditto Truth social

Peace and love 🕊️❤️

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That's the same crowd that said not to talk publicly about Barron because he was a minor and not involved in politics. Two-faced weirdos (I'd like to say assholes, but let's not be crass).

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