Sep 16Liked by Jason Provencio

According to The NYT: “The charges: Possession of a firearm as a felon…[and]…[p]ossession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number…” No charges for attempted anything.

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Because he apparently didn’t shoot at trump.

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Exactly! The only shots fired were from the Secret Service at Routh.

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They’ve also said that more charges may be pending. Which, they probably will.

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Sep 17Liked by Jason Provencio

Oh who really cares? TFG is the one who’s raised the heat level. He divided us. Brought out the worst people imaginable. Gave them permission to wear their racism, sexism and misogyny proudly and loudly.

Enough already.

Let’s put the trash out in November.

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(The Former Guy. Aka:Trump)

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

Not what I was thinking of but ok 😜

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I prefer That Fucking Goon. But Tomato, Tomatoe, whatever 😂

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It sure is a mystery why the party of Christian nationalist white supremacy is finding themselves unfulfilled by their dogma no matter how many years they dedicate to it. Oh, wait. It's not at all.

You can't be quenched by an empty glass.

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Feds aren't as yet asserting Routh fired any shots...only acknowledged shots fired were by SS agents. And charges so far laid against alleged perp are firearms possession violations, nothing as yet suggesting actual shooting at tRump.

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It’s all a fundraising scam

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Sep 16Liked by Jason Provencio

No kidding...tRump got the email pitches out about an hour after the incident blew over.

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Agree! It was a scam to get attention after his deplorable debate performance. Today at the court house, it was determined that Routh didn’t fire any shots. He was fined for possession of a firearm because he is a felon just like Trump. All the Magas have their panties in a wad because of Orange Daddy’s “suffering “ Give me a break!

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Sep 16Liked by Jason Provencio

Why is there still no reliable and competent (that excludes Ronny Jackson) medical report regarding trump's ear after it was supposedly injured by something during the shooting at his rally? An ear "grazed by a bullet" is definitely not back to normal after a day or two. When I think of threats to trump (and his invitation to trouble, in many ways, including by continuing to golf) I think of the paraphrase, "You reap what you sow."

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If you expand the photo of Trump at the top of this article, you can clearly see his ear right after the shooting. It looks like the top rim is nicked.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

Photographs can be misleading. A reliable and competent medical report would clear up some of the questions millions of us have about what happened. Including, perhaps, how trump’s ear miraculously healed.

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Excellent piece. I agree people of all stripes are just sick of this guy including some of his MAGA cult members. I also agree that assassination isn’t a rational fix for us but I do think that he’s brought some people over the edge and this is their irrational response. Frankly I suspect this won’t be the last attempt on his life and I think it’s his own fault. He’s teased karma for decades and now she’s gonna get him one way or another…

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You are correct Vice President Kamala Harris is much more qualified that the Hitler Wannabe. She is an highly intellectual than he will ever be.

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Secret Service just confirmed that no shots were fired.

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1 hr agoLiked by Jason Provencio

What if only he had taped a few leaves and sticks to that gun barrel.

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HAHA! Now THAT’s funny! &:^)

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Sep 18Liked by Jason Provencio

Oh I hope you are right about this. I am making myself sick with the worry that they could win.

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“Fluorescent Führer”…I am dying! Perfect nickname, bravo.

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Jason, Donald got to you prosing away about the known and unartistic subject matter of Donald is bad. It is really, I mean really hard to be creative when the base of the material is a consistent theme of an irremediable person with such irredeemable attributes when the only thing Donald is actually good at is being a piece of shit human being, and then that makes you feel like a piece of shit for using human being and Donald in the same sentence.

For me, you skipped a beat in saying that “Only the worst people in society still support”… I would have made the distinction between support and vote for as those are separated by a few strands of indifference as in family and community ties or what is good for your business at the sake of your country.

Sometimes it is not a matter of supporting but a matter of surviving. It is really no different than how you were brought up with forced religion. A good portion of these families have a bread winner who dictates what the family must believe based on their own beliefs. As in allowing only Fox News into the house hold. How or where do these people get contradictory information to base a different belief and still deal with the bread winner. Sadly, that is still the family dynamic in a large portion of the country.

It’s not that they are not descent people, they are just, and in many cases, forcibly misinformed.

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I really admire how you point out that all of those who hear nothing derogatory about *Rump are not necessarily not decent people. If we knee-jerk condemn all of his supporters, we are ourselves guilty of profiling and baseless discrimination.

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Some of "it's" supporters just blindly believe whatever he tells them. Part of the reason for this, IMHO, is that Fox "News" doesn't cover anything that would deter them from supporting him and if Fox is their main source of information how can they not support him? Don't misunderstand me, I despise the thing from Mar A Lago.

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He is trying to play the role of martyr. Next thing you know, he will be demanding to be viewed as a saint, including Catholic religious/prayer cards with his picture with a blood stained head. He is a vacant shell of a human, who is truly evil. I sometimes think he could be the Anti-Christ, but he is too damn stupid!!

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This stinks. Dean Obeidallah on Sirius XM Progress last night laid it out. There are two Trump-owned golf courses within 20-minute drives and, of course, one right on his doorstep at Mar-A-Lago. Another one of his courses in Jupiter, Florida is a 20-minute helicopter ride. This was an unscheduled golf outing not on his day planner, yet the "gunman" was waiting in the bushes for 12 hours at exactly the right course. Again, with no advance notice that a spur-of-the-moment golf outing was germinating in that orange brain. The SS agent supposedly spotted a rifle barrel sticking out of the bushes. From what distance? And the fund-raising emails were out so fast it was almost as if they were waiting for launch. We know that a number of the SS agents on his detail are dyed-in-the-wool Trumpies. This all fits together nicely. I am not a conspiracy guy. 9/11 was not an inside job. Covid 19 was not engineered. Alien tech is not being reverse engineered at Area 51. But something about this smells funny.

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Try "EVERYTHING" about this smells funny.

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He sure can get us to rant. I wonder if we collectively called a day of complete silence. Noodying, tweeting, x-ing behind, “Hey! How's it going??” or “Look at my sweet kitten” or just, “have a great day.” Could we shut down all things GOP for 24 hours? Could we really make him crazy? Come on! Lets do it.

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I like your idea, there's a lot of powerful energy in exuding positivity.

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