Sep 21Liked by Jason Provencio

It's time - actually way past time - to put Trump, MAGA, Project 2025 out of America's misery. The media needs to treat him as the evil supervillain he is. The Republican Party has to cut him loose and never again allow themselves to sell their souls to such a horrible entity. We all need to vote him out because he will destroy this country. He has already betrayed his own followers, his employees, his family and wives, and the entire female gender, minorities and every one he has extracted any value from. He is a cancer that needs to be excused from American life if we are to survive and move forward.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

But the media doesn’t treat him like the enemy of America that DonOld is. This morning, like every Sunday,Margaret Brennen has a maga gop on her show. She so happily provides a media platform for the likes of Marco Rubio to spew seditious lies. Cannot watch Meet the Press anymore as it’s obvious that she’s doing what she can to get the felon rapist elected again. The press is a huge part of the problem, such as the NYT not publishing DonOld’s antisemitic spew this week.

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Not ‘excused’…. Excised! Ripped out, smashed, obliterated….

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Though I like the idea of “excusing” someone from American life, like excusing them from the table. “Donald, you’re not contributing anything to this nation. You’re excused."

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At what point will he be considered a clear and present danger??

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He should've been before the 2016 election & certainly after his failed presidency & insurrection. Even more so after he confiscated classified US intelligence & refused to give all of it back. And his multiple violations of the Logan Act conniving with Putin, Orban, MBS & Netanyahu, along with the continuing stream of stochastic terrorism he's responsible for.

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Right now. At least he should be considered a clear and present danger.

Be aware and take every opportunity you can to debunk -- if not completely unravel -- the venomous hatred he spews.

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Clearly it doesn’t matter to him that his daughter converted to Judaism or that his son-in-law is Jewish as are their children. What a pig, and I use that in both the Jewish sense and the Muslim sense to mean unclean. As I’ve said elsewhere, I like pigs. They are smarter than he is.

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The Irish call him a cunt. A truly despicable, horrible person. He' a cunt.

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Sep 21Liked by Jason Provencio

That's perfect, thank you! 😂😂😂 The term is less acceptable in the US, but it fits him well. Feminization would terrify him! Yes, cunt is very fitting. 🤣🤣🤣

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Sep 21Liked by Jason Provencio

OMG! Does Donald Trump intend to make every fraction of the 80.0 million people who voted Democrat in the 2020 election the enemy? He came for the pregnant women, he came for black journalists, he came for the childless cat ladies, he came for Haitians, he came for the Jews, he came for the sick and elderly. Take a look, he is coming for all of us and he won’t stop at Party Lines! When he gets US he also gets YOU!

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3 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

The ostracization of various parties is textbook. If you look at historical authoritarian movements, that's the inevitable progression. You just need to determine what the end goal is, who's the one group that "they" want to win all the marbles, and start eliminating other groups, systematically. Easy to see, harder to prevent.

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Sep 21Liked by Jason Provencio

Not quite the point of your article, but I’ve noticed he’s starting to admit - in public and in front of crowds - he might lose. Not merely have the election “stolen” from him, but actually fail to get the electoral votes through valid means. I don’t recall that in either of the two previous elections, but I might be missing something.

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Also admitting he lost the last election

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And in the debate he seemed surprised that he had said it. Maybe this is simply his cognitive decline being unable to maintain the lie.

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Sep 21Liked by Jason Provencio

I’m Jewish. We are blamed for a lot of things. What’s one more

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Sep 21Liked by Jason Provencio

My father's parents ran away from Czarist Russia and their government sponsored programs in 1905. Why so much hatred?! What a waste of energy and resources!😡

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Sep 21Liked by Jason Provencio

I ment Pogroms!

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My grandparents did too. This is despicable.

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Yes as a woman I get it but I refuse to be anyone’s scapegoat and especially someone so devoid of humanity.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Yup, we've been demonized (literally) for centuries. F*** them!

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Yes, I'm glad you brought that up. It's unconscionable & incomprehensible to me how Jews are constantly blamed for whatever gripe extremists have about the world.

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In his sick mind, he is right

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You’re spot on in all your articles! Love the honesty, and who cares if the haters stop following you. Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, good bye! 🎶

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They say that Laura Loomer is Jewish maybe she could help him I’m just so sick and tired of Trump you would think there be a couple of common sense laws lying around to stop this shit. One guy squeaks in Iran and United States takes him down there is absolutely no explanation whatsoever why Trump is still pretending he has said from his own mouth that he’s going to win no matter what. They say that they will not hand over election results in several states somehow this will make Trump president it’s like we are dealing with our own basically white terriost and the laws I thought that were in place was my mistake they aren’t there I think Trumps next stop is to close the country down next week two words “let’s demand “ the Republican Party drops him like I’m sure they want too we have crossed the line here one two many times

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Sep 21Liked by Jason Provencio

I am sick of the Orange Felon AND ALL of his sick followers!😬🤮 VOTE BLUE 💙 🗳

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Why do you want anybody to help him? Except give him more rope to hang himself!

The more this petulant 78-year old child is continuing to rant and spew his despiccable lies and delusional "weaving" the more the populus in the US called MAGA hopefully will come to their senses recognizing they made a mistake so far....

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Good point. But among the White Nationalists that Orange Felon considers his "core," Jewish people are NOT considered White. They are considered Jews -- a totally separate racial designation in their philosophy. By aligning with them, I wonder if Laura Loomer knows she has signed her own execution warrant?

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Trump divides each minority group he disrespects into “the good ones” who support him, and “the bad ones” who don’t. Those in his inner circle would rather curry favor than risk his rage.

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Hitler's concentration camps were unspeakably horrible and it is beyond frightening that *Rump so often sounds like Hitler.

The Manzanar internment camp comes to mind because I had just finished reading about it right before I read this post. It was very swiftly created after the attack on Pearl Harbor out of an abundance of fear, racism, and prejudice. Don-old is working on riling up his believers to carry on with the practice of blaming blameless people.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

And do or does the American people know that tRumps SS bill is $93,000 a day ? Not counting his immigrant wife's ,Barrons or his other 3 half illegal Russian immigrants offspring. And one married to royAlty . Yeap consider this...his very own costs before the new extended protection costs now equals to ......$ 2.8 million a month and ....

$ 32,000,000 a year .. Who signs that check ? Who oks those figures? And if this is outta the defence budget ??? I mean come n America ,we need to ask real questions ...because how the fuck could this sleazy Conman ,fraudster, convicted felon rapist be worth that much to keep him safe ? From himself ???

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6 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

“The only reason he’d choose to blame a group of marginalized citizens at an event denouncing antisemitism is to rile up his angry, violent, racist supporters. Donald Trump knows that he cannot win the upcoming election.”

I think even this gives him too much “credit” for facing reality. Here we see how his prejudice intersects with his sense of entitlement. He’s both transactional and a win-lose negotiator. He actually believes he is owed lock-step loyalty and fulsome praise from every marginalized group he’s ever grudgingly tossed an apocryphal bone spur. He will blame them all when he loses, because nothing is ever his own fault.

His latest display of grotesque antisemitism could not have come at a more dangerous time, and must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. But I believe that it’s fueled directly by his anger at a non-existent Jewish American monolith, for not rewarding his Bibi bromance with a blind stampede toward total support. He’s also itching to scold Latino and Black Americans for not rewarding his escalating anti-immigrant vitriol; I suspect his handlers won’t be able to stop that from squeezing out either.

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Well, he wasn't wrong; he wasn't treated properly, but he'd be a damned sight less happy if he had been: tarred and feathered and bombarded with rotten tomatoes in a return to the times and traditions he claims to admire.

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I am one of the 80,000,000+ who voted for Joe Biden, and I have no shame about it. Trump, his policies, and his horrible personality make it easy for me to vote for Kamala Harris.

Trump can blame the Jewish people, the Democrats, LGBTQ, immigrants, liberals-myself, for one-, and any other groups all he wants if he loses. Should his loss become a fact, the ultimate reason he loses is because of one person only: a man called Donald Trump.

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... he does not have any characteristics of a man - none, except for his testes.

Either alleged or receiving judgements against him for

Abusing women

Dodging military draft

Screwing contractors financially for money earned

Stealing from St. Jude hospital

Stealing from students


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Tell Donald. We want him to know it was us.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

He is totally insulting. He thinks he is addressimg the dumbest people in the world. Egads, the slimeball. Ugh.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

I only wish my vote were that powerful.

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