Loved the article—it is flabbergasting that cogent arguments like this will not sway those who say they are Christian AND his followers. How they justify themselves out of that pretzel of in-your-face, undisputed fact is beyond me.

In thinking about the modern presidents (maybe, what, post FDR?), I wondered which one came closest to abiding by a more chaste and honorable life—the furthest away from the Seven Deadly Sins. Could it be Jimmy Carter? He was, and remarkably still is, such a decent, decent man (yeah, I know he copped to lusting in his heart, but he never acted on those thoughts. A better man than perhaps 99.999% of all men who EVER existed!).

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I can answer your question about that justification by Trump’s Christian followers. I know one of those people, who is quite religious and is actually a good man. Not long ago, we were arguing the very point you've raised. His unshakeable support of Donald Trump includes the view that none of us can say that another person hasn't, in their heart, asked Divine forgiveness. 🤦‍♀️. I'm sure that the rational thinkers among us know that Donald Trump has done no such thing, but you can't convince the evangelicals.

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Still remarkable, right? There was that moment not that long ago where trump was asked by presumably Christian interviewers if he had ever “asked God for his forgiveness.” Trump was flummoxed by the response and said something like: “I’ve never thought about that, I don’t see why I would have needed to.” And yet still the believers believe. That’s why what we are witnessing is not a political party but a cult.

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Trump even said he doesn't need to confess any sins, because he hasn't sinned EVER!

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Sep 14Liked by Jason Provencio

Extremely well written 🤩☑️ The Dumpster Fire is a psychologically-damaged human being…And what does it say about our sick society that he is even in CONTENTION for the highest office in the land…AGAIN!! 😵😵‍💫🤯🤦🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️😰 And then, knowing that it’s not even over on Election Day because of the shenanigans that the GOP intends to pull if results don’t lean in their favor 📉… Will Jan 6 come & go without any major upheavals? And will Jan 20 usher in a new administration with a peaceful transfer of power??🥺

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As an ex-New Yorker who lived there in the 1970s, I was so sick of Trump’s excesses by the time I moved away, driven out by rising rents, I would have been happy never to hear his name again. I loved the photos of the tacky interior of his palace that you put up. If I could have rolled on the floor and shrieked with laughter I would have. But these bones are just too old for rolling on the floor. Melania is such an unpleasant character that I can’t feel sorry for her as it becomes clear that the orange Hitler is messing around with a person as toxic and crazy as he is. I’m sure Melania has an iron-clad pre-nup. She’d better because he’ll no doubt try to cheat her out of money otherwise. So I had to content myself with a loud guffaw.

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I X’d this to Pope Francis. Maybe he will update his statement after seeing your thorough discussion!!

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Trump is the Embodiment of All Seven Deadly…

Jason Provencio

Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth

Read →I did, and it is WUNNERFUL! Thanks for the reminder, Jason!

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Trump is a menace to civilization.

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Sep 16Liked by Jason Provencio

Yes. This cuts right into the bone, the rotten core of Trumpollini and his servile soldiers of depravity. I would say that he is the Grand Poohbah of the Palace of those 7 Deadly Sins. Most of us, the common ordinary citizens regardless of our political persuasion cannot grasp the immensity of this evil force.

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Sep 17Liked by Jason Provencio

“what’s in the boooxxx? What’s in the booox?”

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Thank you for also bringing up family history and papa trump's ties to the kkk. Of course that's why little donnie is such a racist today. For those who are true believers in their various faiths, please look into your hearts and souls and ask yourselves if that is what your faith has really taught you.

Stay True.

Vote Blue


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Is he a registered sex offender? A map is kept online of where sex offenders live. It’d be funny if he were on it.

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Yeah, he definitely is not a convicted sex offender. That would be a HUGE STORY if he was, probably the one thing that could disqualify him from the presidency right about now.

Probably should be a convicted sex offender. There's a lot of fire, and also a lot of smoke, regarding all the accusations over the years. I hear Steve Bannon jokes about it to Trump's kids, which is several levels of concerning.


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Doubtful. The case was civil, not criminal. Too bad.

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And…what of the Pope’s recent blessing on this “gentleman” who has proven track record as a vile man, showing no decency for human beings no trace of Christ. Trump is unevolved still his father’s child a white racist and greedy. America witnessed Trump Presidency 4 years of chaos and so Americans did not re-elect him. Trump’s daily desperate rants end run of his Presidential nominee campaign are seen w him feeding his cult with calls for more hate more violence. A traitor to all Americans, Trump’s trying to recreate Hitler’s playbook. It did not end well for Hitler and his adoring fascist followers. Do something today to elect Harris-Walz to stop Trump-Vance & Putin from killing our beautiful country from the inside out.

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I think that so-called Christians are ok with Conny is because many of them want to hasten the apocalypse that they believe in; if anyone can help with that, surely Chaos Karen would be at the top of the list!

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Sep 15Liked by Jason Provencio

I've heard that before too. What a joke. Let the bad guy have his fun, we don't care who gets hurt because it means Jesus will then appear and do what?

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Lift the chosen ones directly to Heaven in the RaptureThey haven’t received figured out that 99% will be left behind even though it’s right there in the scripture.

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If we elect Donald Trump, we may feel the effects of climate change, the most important issue, not for years and not for just a generation. We may well read our mistake in the geological record a million years from now. This election really counts. Don't let this greedy, prideful, glutton back in the people's house.

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🙏👍 thank you Jason, couldn’t have said it better 👍🙏 His homes & personal tailored suits/clothes are tacky, just like his personality. I wouldn’t use a bathroom in his homes either!🤪 toilets probably plugged up w/NS notes or staged w/camera bug so he can spy on his unsuspecting lady guests bottoms🤮

& You are correct about his showy wealth. That’s a sure sign of $$$ insecurity, especially when in debt. He’s said so before. Look for his first Oprah interview w/Evana👍👏🤣😆🤩 Poor rich people flaunt $$$ the most to fool the financiers 😉👌

BTW, that last emoji was my final description of Chump,”Big Round Asshole”🤪😂😅

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Two points of clarification. First he may have an all consuming urge for money but he is peculiarly bad at making it. Second I dispute that he plays golf. An integral part of golf is walking the course. Driving around in a cart doesn’t cut it.

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Well they are his golf clubs along with a pack of bankers I suspect. I can understand cheating when there is money at stake, reprehensible though that may be. But otherwise it is simply the self-deception of a diseased mind.

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Not only that, but he totally cheats at golf, according to others who have played rounds with him. He will pick up the ball and move it to where he wants, or whatever he decides to do. And the guys just laugh at him and permit his cheating because after all it's his golf course and they are invitees. ⛳🏌️

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