7 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

We raised two children totally religion-free. The Catholic church ran both of our families out of the church in the late 1960s when they mysteriously learned our mothers (one in the Midwest and the other in the east coast) were using birth control. Both of our children, who are now adults, have never been in trouble with the law, are charitable and kind. Religion is not necessary to raise children to be good people. Religion is not necessary for ANYONE to be a good person.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

For using birth control? Wow.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

I was about 7, had been through catechism, confirmation, 1st communion. A priest came to our door and yelled at my mom. It was the only time I heard her use the f-word and she told him to “hit the road.” The next Sunday we went to church. My mom took all our envelopes, dumped them in the basket when it was shoved in front of us. We never went back.

Since then I’ve only been in a Catholic church for funerals, weddings or as tourist (Italy, Ireland and France). It was many years later before I learned what the confrontation at the front door was about. My mother was 17 when I was born and had two more children after me. At almost the same time a priest did the same thing to my wife’s mother. My parents are still married, 66 years later.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

Wow, what courage your mother had in that day and age. (Was there money in the envelopes, or were they empty?) I remember pretending to faint at Sunday mass so I could get the fuck outta there.

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They were empty and that was the point. Our names were on them (I had a separate set that had my name on them) so they knew to the penny how much we gave.

Both my parents where on scholarships to Catholic high schools, my mother to a fancy all girls school and my father to an all-boys military (jr. ROTC) Catholic high school. My mother was expelled immediately when she became pregnant and she got nothing but shit after that. Nothing happened to my father. After I was born, a couple of the younger nuns at her school who were sympathetic to her situation argued that she be allowed to return so she could graduate.

As I recall it was OK to leave after communion, which was what we often did unless we went to my grandparent’s parish church. Then we had to stay to the bitter end.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

Very nice article. I’m thankful I live in Massachusetts but my family in MD do accept me. Been married to a woman for almost 30 years and my Episcopal Church accepts us,too. They have no problem with any of us. Many Episcopal churches are like this. But it’s sad when people are so ignorant!!

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7 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

Thank you Jason. I too was raised in a very conservative religion religion. Although a skeptic very early on, I didn't completely break the chains until I moved to San Francisco in the late 1960s. What a relief and complete transformation. People from all over the world, even outer Mongolia. Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Black Panthers even. I cherish all those people and the friendships and knowledge gained. We all are brothers and sisters on this planet. We need to love and respect each other. ♥️

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7 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

3 things to avoid: fascism, communism, and organized religion. 3 versions of the same thing.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Jason Provencio

Although I am a “cradle Catholic”, I am recently beginning to resent some of the intrusiveness of the Catholic (and other Christian) culture that is pervading our Midwestern state.

For example, a BOATLOAD of state tax revenue💰💰💰 is being used to subsidize tuition for affluent (and other) families at private religious schools.😵

And students are leaving public schools in the middle of the day (returning an hour or two later) to attend Christian religious classes!! During.the.school.day!! WTAF⁉️

I am starting to spout my opinion more openly that as much as I advocate Freedom of Religion, I am even more inclined to promote Freedom FROM Religion because of this new wave of zealotry that is currently washing over my community.

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Jason, I get what you are saying about organized religion, but you may be generalizing a bit. At the moment, I am taking a break from church, but only because I haven’t yet found a congregation where I feel like I would fit right in and because I don’t get much sleep, except on the Sabbath. My last church disbanded because they were bankrupt.

I agree that some of the worst atrocities we know of have been committed in the name of religion, and that there are plenty of hypocrites who use their religion to condemn others and to legitimize their own horrible behavior. Some denominations are much more dogmatic than others and believe that it’s their way or nothing. I always try to avoid those. That’s not religion—that’s a cult. I also avoid churches that require me to go beyond my comfort level or find ways to exclude people who they don’t feel are measuring up. None of us measures up, when it comes to God. I think that a church community that is supportive, non-judgmental and inclusive has much to offer a person, including a place to worship, to learn new things, to offer service to others, to use their talents, to make new friends, to be counseled in times of difficulty, and to have positive social interaction. Does this happen always? No, as I’ve observed, not always, but often. Is organized religion for everyone? No, but for many people it helps them to make a connection with God, do the right things and treat people well. Can one do this without church? Some people can, but others need the security, solace and guidance of a church, and if that suits them, I see no problem, unless they’re hurting someone else. Some people will choose to be “spiritual” or worship wealth, hobbies, Nature, fame, success l or their heroes, and that’s their choice. For me, I’m going to continue to look for the right church.

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Listen to George Carlin’s take on Christianity in America. It is as relevant toady as it was in the 60’s and 70’s! I grew up in a large Southern Baptist Church which covered an entire City block, our ministers had PhD’s and still pushed the rural backward theology of the South. When I was finally old enough to realize that I could hide in the girls bathroom during Sunday School, I never looked back. I did not raise my three sons in church, to the point my oldest asked if Jesus’s Father was a Robot?…..I knew my work was done! I had saved my sons from the nonsense of Christianity!! Please …Write On Jason!!!!

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I’m totally with you on this one. Religion is man made; spirituality is a whole different story and given to us by our Creator.

I don’t believe in Gods; how many can you count? Greek, Roman, Egyptian, etc.

There is only ONE Creator…

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I think you’ll like this short-short from 1902/1903. Ludwig Thoma penned it in the voice of a second-grader. The link is my translation.

Along similar lines, “Miss Allie’s” coining the phrase, “God’s in the bathtub” when reality show contestants would pray… I miss Television Without Pity!


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I am 74 years old. At age nine I reached my own conclusions as those reached in this essay. My decision to recognize religion as a major reason for human suffering throughout history made me a much better person, despite my human frailties, than the majority of Christians I have known. Even beatings by my father did not dissuade me. If fact, he later in life came around to the idea and we parted friends.

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Well written article Jason . A lot of bad is being done in the name of Religion. There is a lot of difference between Spirituality vs Religion. I call myself a spiritual being and I am opposed to all kind of religions. All they do is put you in shackles. Thanks Jason for bringing this to light.

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And we need to stay a secular democracy. As our Founders intended.

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You are so right Jason! Thanks for expressing what a lot of us feel.

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The narration was excellent and I will listen. If I have one comment, you read a tad fast. You don't need to rush your words. They are good words and thoughts and very much worth hearing.

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I'm not sure if it's organized religion is to blame or the power-crazed people that use religion to inflict themselves on others. Either way, religion has no place in government at any level.

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I agree with you. I was raised without religion and they all seem like cults to me. I guess I don’t get it. 🤷‍♀️

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