Excellent point! When you get a response on social media that starts with, “I love your profile..” MOVE ON!

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Also, "I find your posts so amazing, and I can see that you're a beautiful person", or "I tried to message you, but my message wouldn't go through. So, please kindly accept my friend request", etc.

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Sep 14Liked by Jason Provencio

If only the creepy men would take your advice, they would have more success in ultimately getting what they want and need from women. LOVE and KINDNESS, feels good, guys.

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Sep 14Liked by Jason Provencio

I get friend requests from men and women I don’t know more than I’d care to on Instagram. My account is private for a very good reason. When I check their accounts the women’s accounts are usually half nudes and the men’s are religious kooks. I’ve never accepted any of them. 🙄

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Sep 14Liked by Jason Provencio

Well said, sir.

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Meeeeowww / from Cat Lady

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I feel like all of this applies to IRL human interaction too. These same men have been shamelessly leering at and saying stupid shit to women long before the internet.

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A great article and well said! I get a lot of requests from 'soldiers' so I just ignore and block.

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