Sep 19Liked by Jason Provencio

I completely agree and have blocked a few assholes myself. I learned long ago that anyone who is dumb enough to fall for the shit coming out of trump's mouth isn't inclined to an honest debate of FACTS. I love your articles and look forward to many more!!

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Sep 19Liked by Jason Provencio

Jason....do not be discouraged. You must be doing something right to piss off the naysayers. I love your writing. You and Jeff Tiedrich are my 2 favorites on Substack. My writing style is similar, I'm told but I haven't had to courage to attempt writing my own platform. Keep on keeping on! You rock 😁

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Sep 19Liked by Jason Provencio

Ah, the trolls found you even here. Sorry about that. Unfortunately that’s the way our country is at the moment. We can all thank the last nine or 10 years of nothing but propaganda and straight out bullshit on certain networks in our country that brought us to this point. This is what happens when you don’t have any ability to think critically when confronted with this stuff. Frankly, I think we’re all tired of this rigmarole and we all wish to go forward. Vote like your life and your children’s lives depend on it because it does… keep up your good work sir…

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Sep 19Liked by Jason Provencio

That photo of the MAGA crowd reminds me of this : Under 40, in years and IQ.

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Sep 19Liked by Jason Provencio

This is what tRump has accomplished- mean girls & boys feel free to spread their opinions in the same way as their demagogue does. Vicious, tasteless and disgusting behavior.



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Sep 19Liked by Jason Provencio

All those people in their little matching outfits and such special colors. It's all true. The need to belong overrules any logic or rationale.

You shouldn't black out their handles.

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On the other hand…No wait. They’re acting like assholes, they deserve to be treated as such

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Sep 19Liked by Jason Provencio

Also interesting: in the photo I see 1 white woman and a bunch of full-of-themselves white douchebags (and douchebags gotta douche).

Not a single BIPOC to be seen.

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There ya go! You nailed it Wendy! I've been saying this for a while now. ANY TIME a MAGAt online tries to defend their "movement" as NOT being racist, just send them photos! Like you just noticed. ALL PHOTOS of MAGA, Republicans, Conservatives, Nazis, other Right-Wing groups (christian nationalists/evangelicals i.e.) are a MASS of WHITENESS. I use 98.5%. No research, just so many years of seeing photos. And it seems right, b/c of guys like SC senator Tim Scott & justice Thomas and the current N Carolina wacko running for Governor. I also call it "take a class picture." As in high school :) Take a class picture of EVERY (R) congress, House and Senate, President, and on down thru State reps and even very local republicans: 98.5% White faces! And MAGA's gonna tell me that's a COINCIDENCE????!!!!! (Of course, now I think they're all mostly OUT of the CLOSET as being racist. They don't care anymore b/c they win elections and the MSM has normalized them. But, JESUS! 98.5%!!!!! And the (mostly) men always seem to look and dress like they NEVER could have gotten into ANY college if they tried. Which they probably didn't, b/c they don't like 3-syllable words and sharing a room with BIPOC! And a lot of facial hair, ya notice? Esp the men :) Maybe this is de-evolution happening: MAGA does, after all, want to solve all their grievances with violence. Behaving like Neanderthals and all, no? In fact, I forgot Tim Scott's name so I googled " United States congressional delegations from South Carolina" thinking he was a Rep (he's a senator!): Wiki: HA! SEE!: " The current U.S. House delegation from South Carolina has 7 members, including 6 Republicans and 1 Democrat.: 6 Whites and 1 Black (Man), -the esteemed Jim Clyburn! Of course! It's like a game! Just "re-google" or change the state name in "United States congressional delegations from ____________" > It shows their faces and what Party! I should do this! ALL 50 states! I bet I get a 98.5% result of white faces! Ha!

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Sep 19Liked by Jason Provencio

I’ve blocked more assholes than cheese! My approach has and always will be: if I disagree with something someone posts I don’t engage at all unless it’s someone I believe to be reasonable, and as an adult, I don’t ever see a purpose in attacking the author. This is why Substack is now the only place I go for online discussion. The people I subscribe to I consider to be intelligent, interesting, and capable of debating topics that I’m also interested in without childish shitposting.

I love your writing and fully agree with the “middle finger” approach!

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Never try to reason with a drunk, or a Trumpite. Both are exercises in futility. Like you, I block the fuckers post-haste. Life is too short to read the moronic meanderings of Trump's salivating sock puppets.

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Why would someone wish never to hear from you again when they have agency and can remove you from their orbit? Very strange and and completely gratuitous.

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Sep 19Liked by Jason Provencio

Jason, love your bold and fearless attitude. I wish I could write the way you do. You do an awesome job witting your articles. My day is incomplete without reading your article. Thanks.

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You should feel accomplished, recognized, worthy and trolled. It's quite an honor. You must feel like you've won an award.

Love your work, Jason.

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Sep 19Liked by Jason Provencio

They wouldn't say those things to anyone's face

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Jason, thank you. I dig your writing and it somehow calmed me down when reading how you manage trolls. I’m not a writer but am a reader.

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I’m glad. They can be SO damn annoying. But they don’t have to be, the block button is easy and comes with unlimited usage! &:^)

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And my middle finger get a work out

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